ObiVan little adventures at Renault

Here we go, ObiVan is at the garage Renault in Toulouse (avenue des Etats Unis) since Friday and we now know for sure : the gearbox has to be replaced.

The guarantee we had suscribed when we bought it will refund some part of the bill but unfortunately, we have 3000 € left to pay on our own. 🙁
Let’s just say that it’s been hard on us (for our mood and budget).
We’ll have to make some sacrifices at some point.

But we’re trying to stay positive and keep a brave smile on.
This part has been made easier by to the two lovely advisers at the garage (Cédric and Adrien) who were so nice and did everything they could to help us.

It’s heartwarming to see that in this quite difficult moment, even in a big garage, we’re not just numbers.

The gearbox will be ordered today so we’ll keep our fingers crossed hoping that ObiVan will be fixed quickly so we can finally leave on our big adventure.

May Renault be with us. 🙂

Stay tuned for the next episode…